General FASD Info:  Contains info of a general nature, training materials, etc.
Red font = new info added  Note: social media sharing & print links are at the bottom of the page

Refer to the Sections below:
     1. Diagnosis Info
     2. Nutrition, Understanding & Support, Legal System Support
     3. Difficulty sleeping
     4. Medications

1. DIAGNOSIS INFO (** refer to Research tab for more research info)

  • Overlapping Behaviours Link
  • New (Dec 2015) Canadian Guidelines for Diagnosis of FASD Link   Podcast Link
  • Research on misdiagnosis of FASD as ADHD Link
  • New Genetic Research by UWO confirming dangers of pre-natal alcohol exposure Link
  • Epiginetics (father consuming alcohol) effects on fetus Link  and Link and Link
  • Applying for ODSP  Link


Nutrition info …

  • The Chemical Imbalance in Mental Health Problems Link
  • Your Brain On Sugar is Like Your Brain Extremely Stressed Link
  • The Critical Role of Nutrients in Severe Mental Symptoms Link
  • Nutritional Interventions For Children with FASD Link
  • FASD and Nutrition Link

Discounts ….

  • Subsidized Rogers Internet – (for people on ODSP) LINK
  • Access2 Card *** provides free admission for the support person Link

Understanding / Support info….

  • FASD Project  Link   Video Link
  • Strategies Not Solutions Handbook Link
  • Primary Link and Secondary Link characteristics of FASD
  • Nate Sheets video – “All in this together Episode 1: Cognitive Supports and Planning for Escalation” Link 
  • Truth or Consequences and Trauma Link
  • ** How to help a grieving friend Link
  • MedicAlert FASD pilot program Link for application and Link for article
  • MedicAlert Connect Protect program MedicAlertConnectProtect
  • Sandy’s Law awareness brochure SANDYS LAW brochure
  • QR Code Medical ID bracelets link or Link or Link ** there are a # of different suppliers and models – suggest avoiding one that looks like a fitbit
  • Wallet Cards (for Police and for the public) Link
  • Epilepsy and seizure prevalence in FASD Link   and Link  and Link
  • Calming Down (preventing meltdowns) Link
  • FASD and Confabulation – a Clinical, Forensic and Judicial dilemma Link
  • Oregon Behaviour Videos (click on YouTube for some great FASD videos on cognitive support, lying, executive function, etc) Link
  • Mindful parenting: How to Respond instead of React Link
  • Eff Jan 2018 Ontario CAS now supports 16 and 17 year old youth Link
  • Alternatives to the phrase “Calm down” Link
  • Strategies for a Successful Summer Break Link
  • Tips for Travelling  Document Download Link
  • Provincial Advocate Report “Young People Speaking Out about Special Needs and Change” Link
  • How to save yourself from a meltdown Link
  • Moment to Moment: Teens growing up with FASD (video) Link
  • Implications of FASD for the adoptive family (Dr. Ira Chasnoff) Link
  • FASD and Confabulation Link
  • Social Dysfunction: a key deficit for adults suspected or diagnosed with FASD Link
  • Art Wave – Podcast by Barbara Studham (member & grandparent who raised 4 grandchildren with FASD Link
  • FASD Help for Family & Friends Link
  • How to Help Someone with FASD Link
  • Connect and Redirect Link
  • Refrigerator Sheet: The whole Brain (how to survive & thrive) Link
  • Post Institute – All Behaviours that are not loving and respectful is a “cry for help” Link
  • Holidays are hard for the FASD Community Link
  • Henson Trust – protecting disability benefits Link and Youtube Training video and  Link
  • Child Mind – Mood Disorders and Teenage Girls Link
  • Child Mind – What drives self injury and how to treat it Link
  • Child Mind – How to help your depressed teenager Link
  • Clumsiness and FASD Link
  • Behaviour & Emotions Chart & Potential causes Link
  • Living with FASD – A Guide for Parents and Caregivers Link
  • Support Success for Adults with FASD Link
  • FASD is a Disability not a behaviour issue Video Link
  • Voice of America – Caregivers Unite recording (Savanna & Mark) Link
  • 10 Ways Kids with FASD are different Link
  • Avoid three Common Parenting traps Link
  • Nathan Ory – Dealing with Stealing Link
  • Nathan Ory – Why Kids steal Link
  • What if everything you knew about disciplining kids was wrong! Link
  • Quotes by Dr. Ross Greene Link
  • POPFASD (B.C. Provincial Outreach program FASD (numerous videos) Videos Link  such as …
    •  Common Strengths of students with FASD
    • Strategies for improving outcomes
    • Comparing ODD, ADHD & FASD Link
    • Classroom transitions
    • Rewards & consequences
    • Developing the IEP (multiple parts)
  • Checklist for identifying sources of aggression (** autism blog however many symptoms are consistent) Link
  • Bryan Post  – The Truth about Consequences –   Link
    – From Fear to Love Link
  • External Brain – Theresa Kellerman Link
  • FASD Support Prayer Link 
  • Coping with stress when your child has a disability (stressors, symptoms, strategies) Link 



Excellent article on FASD sleeping difficulties Link
– Sleep Strategies for Pogo Stick kids (c/o Jodee Kulp) Link 

  1. Due to the challenges with perseveration and brain overload, it is understandable that they have difficulty falling and staying asleep.
  2. Environment is extremely important (darker room versus white walls, do not use bright lights or low energy LED white lights, use room darkening shades or curtains, remove excess room clutter).
  3. Sound – total silence is difficult!  Use calming background binaural and/or isochronic meditation music.   Binaural info Link   Isochronic info Link   * Note: Binaural requires headphones or earbuds due to the different frequencies in each ear.  However binaural has been proven to be more effective.  Practice meditation methods (eyes closed, deep breathing exercises) Suggest shifting to isochronic after initial calming with binaural as sleeping with headphones or earbuds is not comfortable.  The music is available for free on YouTube and numerous internet sites! 
  4. Natural Medication – many people have found that melatonin has been helpful as a natural method.  Note that there is now an extended time release of melatonin that can last up to 8 hours however according to Health Professionals the max dosage should be 3 mg.   Info on Melatonin Link


  • When to worry about kids taking multiple medications   Link
  • Sleeping – see natural medication under the Difficulty Sleeping section above.
  • An excellent site to investigate a medication, common uses, potential side effects. (in addition to “for the consumer” side effects also check the “For Healthcare Professionals” side effects section) Link
  • Common medications used for FASD (caution as many are addictive and may have adverse side effects – check as noted above) Link