Welcome to our Support Group website!
Our goal is to provide assistance and support to parents, caregivers and individuals with FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder). Our group consists of adoptive parents, foster parents., grandparents and birth parents. Support is critical to the success for everyone!
Over 60% of pregnancies are unplanned so awareness is important as well as understanding that most people today are either not aware when they are pregnant until the first month or are not aware of the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol is a teratogen causing permanent brain damage to the fetus and is more dangerous than cocaine, crack and other narcotic drugs **1.
The latest research **2 indicates that the “low” FASD incidence is estimated to effect 3% of births in Canada (up to 1 million people). Health Canada indicate that the prevalence rate **3 is likely much higher (up to 5%) due to a lack of diagnosis or misdiagnosis (or 680,000 individuals affected by FASD in Ontario or 1.0 to 1.7 million people in Canada). According to Health Canada, FASD is the leading preventable developmental disability in Canada. The incidence is greater than Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy and Autism combined!!
Education and awareness are critical. While FASD cannot be cured, the individuals with FASD can be successful with proper support and understanding.
** Note: The Hamilton FASD Parent & Caregiver Support Group website is intended to provide assistance, resources and information for reference only. We understandably are not able to endorse the information and any use of the information on this site is at the personal discretion of each individual.
** References:**1 Alcohol more dangerous than cocaine, crack, etc. Link
**2 CAMH research article 3% incidence Link
**3 Health Canada Prevalence 2-5% Link
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